See which listings have untapped value
Development Analysis™ from CityStructure gives you the development opportunities for residential and commercial properties that no MLS offers. Top Agents use Development Analysis™ to win starter families, developers and investors.
It's free to see which properties can be developed to achieve your buyer's goals. Once you found a suitable development option, order a Development Analysis for a cost estimate and financing options.
See which listings have untapped value
While touring the properties, make sure you check the Development Score to spot the investment opportunity of the property.
CityStructure Development Score gives you a FREE snapshot of the development opportunity for any property.
Development Options to TRIPLE your Pool of Buyers
Expansion Potential and Development Opportunity are now only for rundown properties or vacant lots. Because the zoning regulations have changed, even a gorgeous property may have a lot of development potential.
Start by unlocking the inventory by catering the same property to a variety of prospective buyers by presenting the multiple development options with CityStructure Development Score.
More Money for You and Your Clients
Increase your revenue though a higher rate of transactions by re-activating buyers that stepped away because they couldn't qualify or find a house large enough to accommodate their needs.
By showing them the possibilities of expanding the existing house, they'll afford to buy it, and gain more equity by developing it themselves.
Get an Instant Estimate if the property you tour has any development potential
Now can use you mobile device to quickly find out if you could add more units, levels or an ADU to the property you're touring with your Realtor.
Some properties are really hot and you want to move fast in your decisions.