Development Opportunity for
20 Arroyo Way, San Francisco, CA

316% Potential

($4,308,172 Untapped Value)

2,213 ft2
7,000 ft2

This property is a Dwelling designated as a Single Family Residential unit on a lot of 2,500 sqft. It has 2 stories, 6 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Property has a total as-built area of 2,213 sqft of which 1,235 sqft is the conditioned area assessed for property taxes.

Zoning District: RH-1

Development Options for
20 Arroyo Way, San Francisco, CA


see sampleADU
Request Analysis for
Cottage ADU


see sampleHorizontal Expansion
Request Analysis for
Horizontal Expansion


see sampleVertical Expansion
Request Analysis for
Vertical Expansion


see sampleNew Construction
Request Analysis for
New Construction

What are the local zoning regulations for 20 Arroyo Way ?


These Districts are occupied almost entirely by single-family houses on lots 25 feet in width, without side yards. Floor sizes and building styles vary but tend to be uniform within tracts developed in distinct time periods. Though built on separate lots, the structures have the appearance of small-scale row housing, rarely exceeding 35 feet in height. Front setbacks are common, and ground level open space is generous. In most cases the single-family character of these Districts has been maintained for a considerable time.

These districts predominantly consist of single-family houses on narrow 25-foot-wide lots, lacking side yards. Despite varying floor sizes and architectural styles, uniformity prevails within tracts developed during specific time periods, creating a small-scale row housing aesthetic with structures rarely surpassing 35 feet in height. Common features include front setbacks, providing a sense of spacing, and ample ground-level open space, fostering a visually appealing environment. Remarkably, the enduring preservation of a single-family character characterizes these districts, attesting to their long-term residential stability.

Permitted Residential Use: ADU and JADU, intermediate length occupancy use, single room occupancy, student housing, senior housing, and dwelling units.

Permitted Non-Residential Use: Agriculture, neighborhood, passive outdoor recreation, child care facility, public facilities, and residential care facility.

What is the maximum height for 20 Arroyo Way ?


No portion of a dwelling can exceed a height of 40 feet, except that the permitted height has to be reduced to 35 feet where the average ground elevation at the rear line of the lot is lower by 20 or more feet than at the front line. The height is measured by taking a point at the centerline of the building or, where the building steps in relation to a street that is the basis for height measurement. Separate points need to be taken at the centerline of each building step. The upper point is the highest point on the finished roof in the case of a flat roof, and the average height of the rise in the case of a pitched or stepped roof.

What are the ADU regulations for 20 Arroyo Way ?

ADU eligible

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), also called secondary units, in-law units, or cottages, are units added to existing and new residential buildings. Adding an ADU to your property can provide several benefits, such as providing housing for family members, simplifying your lifestyle, and increased financial flexibility.Learn more about building ADU in this article

What neighborhood is 20 Arroyo Way located in?

Miraloma Park, San Francisco

Miraloma Park is a small community of homes located at the base of Mount Davidson. It prides itself on being a unique, close-knit neighborhood that’s active in preserving Miraloma’s independent identity. There’s a small commercial area on Portola Drive full of locally owned businesses to service the residents. A low walking score means a car is important to have in this neighborhood to make living here with kids more convenient.

Please note that the Miraloma Park boundaries do not coincide with those used by the San Francisco Unified School District for the Miraloma Elementary School attendance area.

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