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Monterey Heights Neighborhood, San Francisco CA

About Monterey Heights Neighborhood

Monterey Heights is an upscale, sophisticated neighborhood nestled between six larger neighborhoods on the western slope of Mount Davidson.

The homes found in Monterey Heights are stately and often centered on large lots with manicured front yards and large backyards. While the area is compact, there is a notable variation in architectural styles and sizes including contemporary modernist homes, Mediterranean villas and Tudor estates.

The quiet and comfortable neighborhood is home to family-oriented, and typically well-off, residents with few to no options for renters. Being a homeowner’s oasis, the traditional suburban experience is alive and well here. The “welcoming committee” is an active idea in Monterey Heights, as is the neighborhood association that runs on-going social and edifying events.

History of Monterey Heights Neighborhood

Monterey Heights is a San Francisco neighborhood with a population of 1,729 people. Monterey Heights is located in San Francisco County and is considered one of California's nicest locations to live. Inhabitants of Monterey Heights enjoy a dense suburban feel, with the majority of residents owning their houses.

Demographics of Monterey Heights Neighborhood

Monterey Heights is a San Francisco neighborhood. Monterey Heights has a population of 905 people, with 48 percent males and 52 percent females with a median age of 46. Households with children make up 30% of the population, followed by single-female families (22%), single-male families (12%), and couples (65%).

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Transportation in Monterey Heights Neighborhood

With 1,000 residents, Monterey Heights is the 97th most walkable neighborhood in San Francisco. Monterey Heights is walkable and has decent public transportation. More than 48% of commuters drive to work alone in Monterey Heights.

Politics in Monterey Heights Neighborhood

The United States Flag was flown over the Customs House in 1846, during the Mexican–American War of 1846–1848. Following Mexico's surrender of California to the United States at the end of the war, Monterey held the state's first constitutional convention in 1849.

Lifestyle in Monterey Heights Neighborhood

Inhabitants of Monterey Heights enjoy a dense suburban feel, with the majority of residents owning their houses. There are numerous bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and parks in Monterey Heights. Monterey Heights is a liberal community with a lot of seniors.

Schools in Monterey Heights Neighborhood

Monterey Heights has above-average public schools.

Real estate in Monterey Heights Neighborhood

Residents of Monterey Heights, San Francisco, have a typical household income of $166,955 and a median individual income of $82,156.

NEW! What are the real estate investment opportunities in San Francisco?

City of San Francisco has committed to make it easy for homeowners and developers to build more in the city. Learn what are the investment opportunities in the articles below. Next, look up an address for its Development Score that tells you if that property has any development potential and if this is an opportunity you should not miss.

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