Development Opportunity for
133 Gardenside Dr, San Francisco, CA

157% Potential

($73,507,167 Untapped Value)

85,847 ft2
134,852 ft2

This property is a Other currently used as a Multi-Family Residential. Property is on a lot of 48,162 sqft and has a conditioned area of 54,048 sqft.

Zoning District: RH-3

Development Options for
133 Gardenside Dr, San Francisco, CA


see sampleADU
Request Analysis for
Cottage ADU


see sampleHorizontal Expansion
Request Analysis for
Horizontal Expansion


see sampleVertical Expansion
Request Analysis for
Vertical Expansion


see sampleNew Construction
Request Analysis for
New Construction

What are the local zoning regulations for 133 Gardenside Dr ?


These Districts have many similarities to RH-2 Districts, but structures with three units are common in addition to one-family and two-family houses.

These districts share similarities with Two-Family Districts but distinguish themselves by featuring structures with three units in addition to one-family and two-family houses. Building styles exhibit variety while maintaining a complementary aesthetic. Outdoor spaces are provided at ground level, as well as on decks and balconies for individual units. Compared to Two-Family Districts, these areas tend to have a higher prevalence of nonresidential uses.

Permitted Residential uses: ADU, single room occupancy, student housing, senior housing, and residen, dwelling units

Permitted Non-Residential uses: Agriculture, neighborhood or passive outdoor recreation, childcare facility, public facilities, and residential care facility.

What is the maximum height for 133 Gardenside Dr ?


No portion of a dwelling can exceed a height of 40 feet, except that the permitted height has to be reduced to 35 feet where the average ground elevation at the rear line of the lot is lower by 20 or more feet than at the front line. The height is measured by taking a point at the centerline of the building or, where the building steps in relation to a street that is the basis for height measurement. Separate points need to be taken at the centerline of each building step. The upper point is the highest point on the finished roof in the case of a flat roof, and the average height of the rise in the case of a pitched or stepped roof.

What are the ADU regulations for 133 Gardenside Dr ?

ADU eligible

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), also called secondary units, in-law units, or cottages, are units added to existing and new residential buildings. Adding an ADU to your property can provide several benefits, such as providing housing for family members, simplifying your lifestyle, and increased financial flexibility.Learn more about building ADU in this article

What neighborhood is 133 Gardenside Dr located in?

Twin Peaks, San Francisco

Twin Peaks refers to both the two prominent hills for which its named and the surrounding neighborhood. Twin Peaks Boulevard runs a figure eight around these hills and they are a very popular spot to hike and take in breathtaking panoramic views of the city. This area is the geographic center of San Francisco and that gives it a level of visibility (literally) and familiarity that similar residential neighborhoods don’t have.

Its high altitude lets it sit above its more urban surroundings, accessible by only one bus or several sets of intimidating staircases that connect it to its neighbors. One of these is the Iron Steps, which are actually wooden and a bit treacherous, but a well known fixture of the area. The peaks form a divide for the fog pushed in from the Pacific Ocean, which means that the west-facing slopes often get fog and strong winds, while the east-facing slopes receive more sun and warmth -- this is something to keep in mind when looking for a place to live.

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